Monday, March 29, 2010


Sometimes life gives you a second chance. I was surprised yesterday to cross paths with Mr Jude and his blogless mama. And wouldn't you know, he was rocking his sweater. This time I didn't pass up the chance to snag a photo (thank you fancy new cell phone)
He is so stinking cute! Don't you agree?

Friday, March 26, 2010


AKA a year ago this month...
Here Mommy
One- I cannot believe how much she has changed in the past year. Seriously, speechless over this one. She would have been about 15 months at the time of the shoot.
Two- That is right, it is the Hey Jude sweater. I was lucky enough to see the almost famous Jude in his namesake sweater last weekend. And I am sure this would be a great place to show off that adorable little boy wrapped in hand knits... but I dropped the ball and forgot my camera. Doh!
Three- this is part of the Fav Foto Friday going on at Becoming Family... And still dominating my blogging, cause it is easy. But look, I used photos with knitting. That is almost like blogging about knitting!

Happy Spring!

Friday, March 19, 2010


Green peppers that is. Part of Favorite Foto Friday
Garden Month 3
This stretch of warm weather really has be itching to do some gardening!

Monday, March 15, 2010


Last fall we were surprised with the news that our friends were expecting identical twins! It was such exciting news and I just couldn't wait to pick something to knit for this very knit-worthy couple's growing family. Part of my problem with knitting gifts is I put too much pressure on what to make. So I really procrastinated starting and missed the baby shower deadline. However, I wasn't a complete slacker. The sweet little boys made their way into this world just two days before I finished. Now if only I could get to the post office...
The patters are Argyle Pullover [Rav]from Debbie Bliss Special Knits: 22 Gorgeous Handknits for Babies and Toddlers and a free pattern from Petite Purls called Cirrus [Rav]. I love how one is more preppy and the other is a bit more sporty. The boys are identical and the parents expressed an interest in not dressing them in identical clothes. The yarn in both sweaters is Comfort DK and washed up into a very soft cozy fabric. It can be a bit splitty, but I wanted something soft and easy to care for, as these new parents will certainly have their hands full.
I made some Mods in each pattern. In the Argyle Pullover I excluded the two partial diamonds at each edge of the sweater. I didn't want to fuss with two more strands of yarn and didn't like that the partial diamonds from the front and back wouldn't line up perfectly at the seams. I also used more of a fair isle/intarsia combo on the diamonds, carrying and twisting the white along while I knit the diamonds using intarsia. My tension on the back was a bit snug, but the front was perfect. In Cirrus I didn't include the textured cable pattern and also skipped the tabbed bottom, opting for a continuous garter band. Both sweaters are knit to fit around 9-12 months. Hopefully the boys will fit into them this fall!

Friday, March 12, 2010


Ah, the sun. It seemed at times in February we might not see it again. Which would totally bum out the dogs. See, their favorite shared hobby is sunning at the front door. Even on the coldest days we prop open the door so the sun fills the hallway for them to enjoy. They lay there until they get over heated. So then they stumble to the living rooms shade and plop back down on the rug long enough to catch their breath and return to the heat.
Sometimes I wonder if I should get them some sunblock...

(this is part of Favorite Foto Friday... apparently the only thing I have been blogging about recently. Oops.)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Favorite Foto Friday

My friend is trying to resurrect Favorite Foto Friday. While I found this weeks theme to be difficult, I decided to participate anyway. I wouldn't want to be accused of hating fun.

There are very few photos of me alone, especially recently. I am the family member who remembers to bring the camera and pulls it out to capture the moment. Which makes being in pictures hard. I managed to find one where I was not modeling knitwear too! This one I took myself at a wedding we attended last fall. The studio had a long white wall washed in this red light and our table was right up against it. It helps that I was having a pretty awesome hair day too.