Thursday, August 7, 2008

Thermal, revisited

I cannot belive I can say I have been working on a sweater for over a year and a half. February 10th 2007 I posted to the Thermal knit-along blog that I was anticipating to swatch that weekend. However, somewhere along the way I was distracted and became more interested in something else. Like being pregnant. I was last spotted with my thermal sweater at the Yarn Harlot's book signing with Amy, tiny little Heather and even tiner EJ...we just had found out the week before, and I let Amy in on the secret.

I justified setting the sweater down in favor of a new project because even if I finished the sweater I couldn't wear it that fall because I would be very pregnant at that point. So I started knitting K's sweater. My logic being if I didn't do it before the baby, he would have to wait a LONG time for anything that involved.

With fall just around the corner again, and having my body back to its normal shape again I felt motivated to get back to this project once again.
thermal arm
After quite a bit of knitting I have around half of one sleeve complete! It is slow progress, but I am still pretty motivated to get it finished. I just wish I didn't have such long arms!


  1. That was not the picture I was expecting to see what I opened your blog, LOL. :-)

    Who is that tiny little baby?!?!

    Yay for thermal!

  2. Ditto. I just thought my computer was having some kind of malfunction and showing me your old posts!

    I'm glad to see the sweater reemerging. I've actually made great progress on my project since we last got together.

    We'll have to compare progress :)

  3. yay for thermal!

    and yay for kicking amy into a nostalgic moment, i just got the cutest photo from her of 7 month old max who was sad to be swinging :) i'll have to share it it's too cute not too!
